Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomenewsThere Were Apparently 11 Complaints to Case About Cai Png Prices

There Were Apparently 11 Complaints to Case About Cai Png Prices


Do you love to eat cai png (mixed economic rice)? If you do, then you probably know that you should stay away from ordering fish and other types of seafood.

If you don’t heed this caution, be prepared to fork out a good amount of money for potentially measly portions of food.

Nothing like being ripped off by inconsistent pricing to leave a bad taste in your mouth.

It seems that some customers have been so offended by cai png prices that they lodged complaints with the Consumers Association of Singapore (CASE).

This is more on what happened.

Case Received About 11 Complaints About Cai Png Prices This Year

According to the Chinese news outlet 8world, the Consumers Association of Singapore (CASE) has received at least 11 complaints about cai png prices this year.

For those who are unaware, CASE is “a non-profit, non-governmental organisation that is committed to protect consumer interests through information, education and the promotion of fair and ethical trade practices”.

Basically, a place for you to complaint when prices are unfair.

8world reports that CASE spoke to them, saying that the 11 complaints were received between 1 January 2023 and 17 October 2023.

Given that we are still a couple of months away from the end of year, there could probably be a few more complaints rolling in.

Especially since people now know that they can make complaints about the cai png prices.


Complaints Revolve Around Opaque Pricing and Rising Prices

So what do people actually complain about?

According to one of the members of CASE, the complaints usually revolve around consumers finding that the hawkers’ pricing system is not sufficiently transparent.

This leads to leeway for hawker stall owners to charge one customer a different price from another customer.

Other complaints lament the constantly increasing of prices.

Sigh, inflation.

According to CASE, their opinion is that stall owners should clearly indicate the prices of their food options so that customers know much they can expect to pay.

Furthermore, to avoid any disputes about prices, the stall owners can clearly tell the customers about how they will charge each dish.

For example, a dish with vegetables and meat may be charged as a meat dish and seafood usually follows a seasonal price.

This will allow consumers to make informed decisions and reduce any disputes that could occur.

Another option for consumers is to use the “Price Kaki” app to compare the prices of food near them so that they can choose cheaper alternatives.


“Price Kaki” currently covers over 400 locations in Singapore so there is ample choice for users.

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